(1) Mention Remedies Already Availed Of: Our aim is to provide access to justice (A2J) and justice for all, right at their door steps. But to get best results, approach us at the very first instance rather than contacting us after exhausting all the remedies. That is a duplication of efforts and usually brings nil result. You are required to clearly mention in the ODR Request what remedies you have already availed of so that we need not to explore them again. Non following of this rule may result in blocking of you at Twitter and our other services, including ODR India portal.
(2) Do Not Spam Us: We always believe in simplicity and ease of use for the intended stakeholders. So all that is required to avail our techno legal services is to send us an e-mail. Our Twitter handles can also be approached to contact us, just like in the past. You can chat with us at our TeleLaw blog. Audio and video conferencing options are also available to stakeholders who need them. Our WhatsApp number can also be used by authorised stakeholders to leave us a message on 24×7 basis. We have just two rules for any uninvited or spam communication. Either ignore it or block it, depending upon the severity of the violation. Follow all our rules and guidelines with all sincerity or do not contact us at all.