Uploading Files For ODR Request
Last Updated 4 years ago
Uploading of the following files are mandatory and without them your ODR Request would not be entertained:
(a) Administrative Fees Payment Confirmation File (in pdf or jpg/jpeg/png formats), and
(b) A copy of Govt Recognised ID Proof ( Driving License, Passport, Aadhaar, etc in pdf or jpg/jpeg/png formats)
Uploading of your ODR Request related file is optional and it should be below 1 MB size.
If for any reason you need to upload more than one ODR Request related files that are greater than the specified attachment quota, you can create the ODR Request and mention this fact in the text box of the ODR Request.
If you have uploaded all mandatory files, we would contact you and you can attach the ODR Request related files in such e-mail communication.
If you have not attached the mandatory files and created an ODR Request, we would delete such request and block you from the portal.
The entire website of ODR India, including ODR Portal, are backed up by secured connections and robust cyber security. Of course, absolute cyber security is not possible and we do not claim the same.
We do not share any information with any third party under any circumstances whatsoever. Only a valid court order from an Indian court may result in sharing of your information or documents that too up to the minimum possible extent.